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MICRO-VILLA MICRO-VINEYARD Fractional Ownerships of Micro-Villas in New World Wine territories: S Africa, India, Greece and Egypt. 

MVMV is an alternative investment instrument we like to call Liquid Vino-Assets. In this venture, we let our members own fractions of the vineyard, in a country of their choosing, as well as the capital improvements we build upon it. Members also have options to own their own brand of wine which is made right on-site for them. Their vacation villas are theirs to use based on their pre-bookings, the wine is bottled for them and shipped to the destinations of their choice. 

Owning a vineyard from scratch is both risky and requires extensive capital investments. The rewards may take 10-15 years before any non-guaranteed returns can be achieved. Our MVMV Members are insulated from the uncertain demands of their wines as well as the external shocks they can't control. 

For an initiation fee to join, and an annual dues, MVMV members have the capability of selecting villas and villas-wine options to invest in. They are awarded fractional vineyard-ownership as well as their own-brand of wine produced for them. Please enquire for more details. 

"一度に1つの新しい世界のワインを味わうことは、ナルシシズムを超えた真の自己耽溺です。"...Ken Shigeru

Positano Sunset

2023-26 Copyright. All rights reserved.

MVMV travelling to Sicily & Tuscany Italy in December 2023.

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